
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sierra Van Der Meer | CanNor Yukon | April 29, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join Sierra Van der Meer, Regional Director of Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (Yukon) as she talks about working with Yukon entrepreneurs through the Covid-19 Pandemic.
(1:20) Sierra comments on what she's learned about CanNor (Yukon) during the pandemic and government's ability to respond and adapt quickly.
(2:30) Sierra talks about the CanNor's new relief program providing fixed-cost grants to Yukon businesses. She talks about working with Yukon government to collaborate, cooperate and innovate in how CanNor is serving Yukon businesses through the pandemic.
(4:15) Sierra talks about what she's learned as a leader during the past couple of months -- being kind, gracious and finding strength in teamwork.
(6:44) Sierra comments on finding time to get outside as a source of wellness but also accepting and acknowledging just how hard this situation is for us all emotionally -- and allowing ourselves to be okay with the idea that things aren't okay.
(8:50) (Spoiler Alert!) Sierra acknowledges that it's actually it her cell phone number that's on everything... so she's the voice on the other end of the line when business owner phone call for assistance. She asks Yukon business owners to reach out if they need help and she her team will do the best they can to find the needed information and solutions.
(11:30) Sierra finds strength in just how resourceful the Yukon is and the advantages to doing business in the north -- like our ability to collaborate.
(12:30) Sierra acknowledges that one of the way she's managing stress is through online shopping and Yukon businesses are providing an amazing array of products, services and take-out food to ease her anxiety. She finds huge inspiration seeing how Yukoners are rallying behind Yukon businesses.
(14:30) Sierra acknowledges just how hard Yukoners are working to help each other out and how heartwarming it is. She thinks that it is our ability to collaborate and work together that will pull us through this pandemic.
(15:30) Sierra contemplates that the next 5 months won't be "business as usual" and is excited to see how Yukoners will step up to embrace change and build great new things.
(19:00) Sierra recommends "Baby Shark" on repeat to help manage work-life balance when you have two children under the age of four at home and dreams about having time (future time) to binge watch Netflix and cross-stitch.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join social innovation consultant, Michael Pealow as he talks about systems thinking, shifting worldviews and asking "why?"
(1:00) Michael speaks about his career working in the north in economic and business development.
(1:40) Michael advises business owners to pay attention, accept and adapt.
(2:05) Michael comments on how he's adapting his business model -- a real challenge since his current business was based on participatory processes in shared physical spaces! To adapt, he's been researching innovative uses of technology and how he's ready to implement online participation processes.
(3:35) Michael comments on his own personal resistance to embracing technology as a solution to adapting his business model.
(4:30) Michael comments on his personal strategy for overcoming personal resistance through a process of discovery.
(5:20) Michael explains what social innovation is and its relationship to systems thinking using the example of indigenous language revitalization in the Yukon.
(9:40) Michael comments on the role of language in economic development and how language shapes our worldview.
(11:38) Michael reflects on challenging some of our existing models of economic development by asking "why?"
(13:15) Michael comments on opening yourself to experimentation to find your new "niche" as a business owner.
(14:05) Michael comments on quiet reflection, being with family and being on the land as part of his wellness practice.
(17:18) Michael comments on his "aha" moment over the past couple of weeks helping to set-up a volunteer-run phone line and understanding (and questioning) our purpose (so we can see our possibilities.)
(21:15) Michael's reading pick is Dmitry Orlov's book, "The Five Stages of Collapse" and how he's thinking about economic opportunity during this period of disruption.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Sonny Gray | North Star Agriculture | April 15, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join entrepreneur Sonny Gray as he talks about the role of agriculture in the Yukon, his transition to corporate farming and disrupting the food supply chain here in the north. Sonny is CEO of North Star Agriculture, co-owner of Flat Creek Farms and Yukon Born & Raised. https://www.northstaragriculture.com/... https://www.localline.ca/yukonbornand...
(1:00) Sonny talks about what he's growing
(1:25) Sonny talks about his distribution model moving from farm gate to corporate
(2:35) Sonny talks about his experience being a Yukon entrepreneur in service-related industries -- from founding or purchase to ongoing management (4:00) Sonny talks about realizing he's a builder not a manager and seeing the world through the lens of opportunity.
(5:55) Sonny talks about why he thinks the Yukon is so conducive to entrepreneurship
(8:10) Sonny reflects on where the food movement is going/growing in the Yukon and finding space for everything from farm gate to corporate distribution models.
11:55) Sonny talks about the role of agriculture in the Yukon's adaptation to the impacts of climate change
(13:30) Kari talks about her experiences sourcing local produce when working in mineral exploration camps
(15:55) Sonny talks about how getting out on the land, getting his hands dirty and being with the animals gets him through the emotional/mental fatigue.
(18:15) Sonny speaks to the importance of adaptability through the pandemic and how it's shining a light on the necessity of increased local food production (supply and demand).
(22:20) Sonny reflects on the pros/cons of using technology to rapidly transform his distribution model and concerns over the impact of losing human-to-human connection.
(24:30) CAUTION there is a bit of interference on the microphone in this section. You can skip forward to 25:40.
(25:40) Sonny recommends reading The Resilient Farm and Homestead by Ben Talk and Tools of the Titans by Tim Ferris.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Chris Irving | Chef | April 13, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join Chef Chris Irving as he discusses how he's transitioning his business model during the pandemic to support essential workers and his philanthropic work producing meals for the Food Bank.
(1:50) Chis talks about how he's transitioned his business model to produce healthy and nutritious meals for essential workers.
(4:15) Chris talks about his work with the Food Bank and founding the Yukon Chef's Collective (https://www.gofundme.com/f/meals-for-...)
(6:35) Chris talks about building collaborative business models
(8:00) Chris reflects on what he's learning from his customers and Yukoners
(9:30) Chris talks about configuring his business to adapt to the current need.
(11:15) Chris talks about being open and adaptable to different business opportunities as key aspect of his success as a chef.
(12:20) Chris talks about his wellness practice during the pandemic
(13:15) Chris recommends a new memoir from Fanny Singer, daughter of the legendary chef Alice Waters called Always Home: A Daughter's Recipes & Stories.
(14:55) Chris talks a bit about some of the current challenges in the Yukon food movement, where he sees opportunities for growth and bright stars in the scene.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Blair Hogan | Gunta Business Consulting | April 10, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join entrepreneur Blair Hogan from Gunta Business Consulting in a broad ranging conversation about how he's thinking about his business through the pandemic, systems change and creating adaptable business structures. www.guntabusiness.com
(1:20) Blair reflects on changes in his business model
(3:00) Blair reflects on parenting, work experience for students this summer, and leveraging/layer technology to get us through
(4:30) Blair reflects on community design -- anchored in the "local creation" of energy, heat, food security. He also see opportunities for entrepreneurs who ready to work and focus on "local creation"
(7:15) Blair reflects on what he learned in business school and seeing problems as opportunities
(8:20) Blair reflects on our northern vantage point on the pandemic
(9:00) Blair considers what funding opportunities might look like going forward, how he's readying himself and how families/communities should think about local production of energy, heat and food.
(12:55) Blair reflects on changes he knows he'll need to make to his business model because he's "stuck at home" and considerations for how we innovate in recreation, social wellness and health. These are services that are essential to who we are but have been impacted by the pandemic.
(15:00) Blair challenges Yukon businesses to be adaptable and to open up to new clients and revenue streams. He also comments on the importance of business coaching and entrepreneurs being able to access experts and mentorship in Yukon communities.
(20:00) Blair reflects on his wellness practice with focus on family and realizing that we've all kinda been "grounded".
(24:30) Kari reflects on her wellness practice and the 'guardrails' of her day.
(26:45) Blair recognizes how difficult change can be and that we're experiencing a pretty radical paradigm shift (collectively)
(30:30) Blair recognizes that entrepreneurs are going to need to embrace a high level of adaptability and the advantages of being a young person who started his career in the 'old system'.
(31:45) Kari and Blair talk about adapting to change in public spaces and resourcefulness as a precursor to innovation.
(35:00) Blair shares a little bit about the book that he's reading right now and what insights he's apply to Yukon's start-up eco-system. * land acknowledgement: my apologies for not properly stating the full name of Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta'an Kwach'an Council in the introduction. I'm nervous doing the interviews and we only do one take and I didn't realize until afterwards that I didn't state the full name of Kwanlin Dün First Nation.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Joella Hogan | The Yukon Soap Company | April 8, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join entrepreneur Joella Hogan as she talks about what she's learning about her business during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Q1: (0:30) Joella tells us about what she's learned about her business model during the pandemic.
Q2: (3:50) Joella talks about giving-back through a new t-shirt initiative that she started that will make you laugh, has a strong message and supports the Yukon community. Q2: (6:10) Joella talks about what she's learned about her customer over the past few weeks.
Q3: (8:40) Joella talks about her wellness practice as an entrepreneur during a time of uncertainty.
Q4: (13:00) Joella comments on how she's thinking differently about her business during the pandemic -- how she's thinking about how her to day-to-day operations and how we vision for our future on the 'other side' of this pandemic.
Q5: (18:00) Joella share some of the music that she's listening to right now.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Kate Fitzgerald | Velvet Antler Productions | April 4, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join Yukon entrepreneur Kate Fitzgerald from Velvet Antler Productions in an interview about what she's thinking about as we transition our businesses because of Covid-19. To learn more about Kate and Velvet Antler Productions, visit: https://velvetantlerproductions.com/ or find them on Facebook or subscribe to their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtXD...
Q1: Kate share a little bit about Velvet Antler Productions business model
Q2:(2:20) Kate talks about what she's learned about her business model in the past few weeks because of the pandemic.
Q3: (3:20) Kate talks about her customers and what she's learned about her customer base over the past few weeks.
Q4: (5:50) Kate talks about her wellness practice as an entrepreneur.
Q5: (7:35) Kate talks about how she's thinking differently about her business during the pandemic.
Q6: (11:00) Kate shares her go-to music for inspiration right now.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Joanne Thomas | Clear Cut Business Tactics | April 2, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Join Yukon entrepreneur, business coach and tax accounting/bookkeeping expert Joanne Thomas in an interview about what she's thinking about as we transition our businesses because of Covid-19.
Q1: Joanne begins by explaining a bit about her business model and her focus on collaboration, relationships, processes and life-long learning.
Q2: (4:50) Joanne offers advice how to make decisions during a pandemic
Q3: (8:00) Joanne offers advice on starting a new business during a pandemic
Q4: (12:00) Joanne talks about one of her "a ha" moments over the past couple of weeks about her business model Thank you for watching!
To learn more about Joanne, visit: www.taxlinkcanada.com www.planyourmoneynow.com